SGSI Policies

CREDIT REPORT LATIN AMERICA SAC is a company which provides credit reports and business information to assists organizations make decisions and conduct credit transactions relying on the data obtained nationwide and abroad. For our company, the information is a key asset for the provision of services and the decision-making, reason for which there is a commitment to the security of physical and digital information that is under its power, whether it is owned by its clients, suppliers or co-workers, thus, it states the following guidelines of information security:

● Protect ISMS information assets against internal or external, deliberate or accidental threats, in order to ensure their confidentiality, integrity and, availability.

● Provide the necessary resources to ensure the implementation of required control measures to prevent information security risks from materializing and the efficiency of the security management system continually improves.

● Comply with the legal and regulatory requirements which affect the organization regarding the information security.

● Establish the necessary guidelines to respond early to business continuity events without affecting the information security in local and / or remote work environments.